Friday, March 17, 2017

Lent 2017 - Day 10 - Isaiah 12:3 - Draw

"Therefore you will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation." Isaiah 12:3

I respond to this image with yearning, emotion and confusion.  I find it beautiful in a magnetic way.  But what does it mean?

'Joyously' is the only part I understand on the surface.  I picture smiles, enthusiasm and energy.

'Draw water.' When I think of water I think life, refreshing, sustaining. Jesus offers living water so we would never thirst again. If I'm never thirsting, does that means longing is fulfilled? In Matthew, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall see God." I equate thirsting and drawing water with seeing and knowing God.

'Springs of salvation.' Springs to me means a never ending supply that does not run dry. There must be a source for the springs of salvation. Jesus = salvation = living water. Salvation provides for us what we need.  I can't save myself anymore that I can create water.  I go to the source and draw.  I take something to put the water in or I drink right there.  (If I have something to put it in I can share it!)

Joyous! This is life!! There is joy in this walk with Jesus.  Joy in the presence of living water.  Joy in refreshing.

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