Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Lent 2017 - Isaiah 1:3

Lent.  My favorite season of the church calendar. Permission, encouragement even, to let go of good things in order to pursue the best thing.

Writing is a vital part of my relationship with God (a part I frequently neglect) so my Lenten discipline this year is to write for 5 minutes reflecting on something I read in the She Reads Truth devotion for the day.  This year they are spending Lent in the book of Isaiah - MY FAVORITE BOOK! - which only increases my excitement.

5 minutes of writing a day.  I can do this.

Day 1
"But Israel does not know, my people do not understand" Isaiah 1:3

I am Israel.  I do not know nor do I understand.  This is because I'm trying to apply my own knowledge and to understand out of my own capabilities.

So often the answer is rest and receive.  When I'm focusing on gathering knowledge and trying to work out understanding like God is a logic puzzle to solve, there is no space to receive.  It's all me - and little of God.

Maybe that's what this 5 minute exercise is for - 5 minutes to rest and receive.  To actively listen and thereby begin to know and understand.  To be like Mary for 5 minutes and sit at the feet of Jesus. (I can spare 5 minutes, right?) Because I'm me, I sit at his feet and take notes.  I think that's ok since I write to add another R - Remember.

I want to know. I want to understand.  Is it possible that the way to knowing and understanding is to rest, receive, and remember?

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