Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Lent 2017 - Day 8 - Isaiah 17:17-18 - Look

"In that day man will look to his Maker, and his eyes will look on the Holy One of Israel.  He will not look to the altars, the work of his hand, and he will not look on what his own fingers have made." Isaiah 17:17-18

Do I have to wait for that day? Can I accept the caution and start looking now - directing my attention to my Maker, fixing my eyes on the Holy One? To do this I have to turn my gaze away from other things - things I worship, things I have made, things I have done.  Are these things I take pride in or would be tempted to boast about?

Altars.  That's the one I have the hardest time identifying with.  Things I've placed on a pedestal.  Things I've put on a higher plane than they ought to occupy.  Things or people I've placed before God. What does this look like in the 21st century? Is it the things or people I look to for satisfaction, fulfillment or to feel good? Hmmm, like my marriage, my husband, my friendships, my children.  It could be a job. It could be a hobby or other pursuit.  In micro moments it could be facebook when I'm tired and lonely, Netflix when I want to forget the world.  These things and people aren't wrong in themselves just like the work of my hands is not a bad thing.  The wrong comes in what I am looking to those things or people to provide.

Another way to ask this is who or what is my source of contentment, love, peace, well-being?

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