Friday, October 9, 2015

Isaiah 5 – Woes of Today

Woe to you who focus on accumulating stuff yet ignore the people around you with real needs.  You miss out on the blessings that accompany following God’s priorities.

Woe to you who focus on indulgence and instant gratification, choosing immediate pleasure over lasting joy and hope.  You miss out on the blessing of seeing God at work; He’s working, you’re just too distracted to see it.

Woe to you who have concluded the end justifies the means, living by lies, trampling over others and promoting sin to get what you want.  You miss out on the blessings that come from waiting on the Lord and seeing His plans fulfilled.

Woe to you who turn evil on its head, calling darkness light and wickedness good, all in an effort to downplay sin.  You miss out on the blessings that accompany truth and light.

Woe to you who focus on your own intelligence, depending on your wits to help you succeed and placing all your hope in clever plots.  You miss out on the blessings of humility and dependence.

Woe to you who look to man’s provision and man’s capabilities looking only for results while ignoring character and integrity.  You miss out on what is lasting – the growth of a soul that lives for eternity.

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