Sunday, September 6, 2015

Walking with Isaiah

Starting this week, our Ladies Bible study will begin studying the book of Isaiah.  I'm thrilled, but I suspect others may be asking, "What are you thinking?"

Isaiah is intimidating.  66 chapters.  Numerous unfamiliar allusions and names and places.  Additionally, the first chapters are all about sins, warnings, consequences.  It’s not your feel-good Bible reading. 

So why Isaiah? 

Because I think Isaiah has a lot to teach us about the heart of God.

As we journey through Isaiah, we will read and ask, “What does this passage teach me about the heart of God? What does this passage teach me about God?”  Discipleship is knowing God and walking with God.  As we walk together through the book of Isaiah, if we read with eyes to see what God is passionately for and against, with ears to hear what He’s communicating to His people, and with a heart that’s is attending to what God feels for His people, we will walk away with a greater understanding of the Holy One.

(For some background on the time of Isaiah, read II Chron 26-32)

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