Colossians 3:1-2 “Therefore if you have been raised with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.”
I always seem to get caught below. My mind spends most of its time on the things that irritate or annoy me, the things that need to be done, the things the children are NOT doing. Or I’m beating myself up for not spending my time wisely, not getting enough done today, forgetting to run that errand, not making sure the kids finished their school work.
Just what are the things above? I count myself among those who have been raised with Christ, so how do I see the things where Christ is, the things associated with the Father? “Set your mind…” That’s an imperative, a command, which must mean I can do it. But how? ‘Below’ shouts at me and pulls at me. ‘Above’ seems distant and inaccessible.
[Light bulb moment!] That’s what Jesus was all about. Descending to ‘below’ in order to make ‘above’ accessible for us. To seek the things above, to set my mind on things above, I must get to know the One who allows me access to ‘above.’ I’ve been a Christian over 20 years, yet how well do I really know Christ? I know a lot ABOUT Christ, and 10 years ago I would have said I KNOW Him. Maybe it’s an instance of the more I know, the more I realize I don’t know. I don’t KNOW Christ, but I have a longing in me that there must be more than what I have experienced.
I don’t know how to set my mind on things above. But I’m hopeful because I think I know the first step. I’ve known it for years, I just frequently allow the ‘things below’ to take top priority and I squeeze in time soaking in the Word or praying when I ‘find time’. Or I allow ‘things below’ to completely squeeze out Jesus and fall in bed at night tossing up sleepy, scattered prayers pledging to do better tomorrow.
This year, my goal is to start each day with my Bible and my journal. Revolutionary idea? Of course not! I’ve known for years I needed to start the day this way. But I get up late, kids are rowdy, I have to go somewhere – there are a thousand excuses. Later, I tell myself, I’ll pray later. And later never comes. So today, although it’s after 9 am and we should be doing school, I’m reading, writing, sitting still, attempting to listen, and then falling on my face asking the Holy Spirit to fill me, speak to me, help me. I feel guilty. A ‘good’ homeschool mom would be up early having her quiet time so she’d be schooling by now. True, but I have to start where I am. I’m desperate enough to believe that this time with the Lord is really, truly THE most important thing I can do for my family.
I think a Mommy whose mind is set on things above will parent better, teach better, disciple better and even manage the home better. I sure hope so. Remember that scene in Star Wars: A New Hope where Princess Leia in the hologram says, “Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” Well, I’ve tried a lot of things in my own strength, and nothing has worked. I’ve finally figured out I can’t do it on my own, and for the first time I’m REALLY crying out, “Help me, Jesus. You’re my only hope.”
1 comment:
Awesome post Betsy! I am doing a book study right now and I really recommend you to read it. The book is called Driven by Eternity by John Bevere. It is so great!
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