Coming home from a retreat is often a slam back to reality. And even the most profound insights get lost under the laundry, dirty dishes and to do lists. This retreat was all about incorporating rest or whitespace into daily life in very practical ways, and I'm determined to follow through and pursue the presence of God through whitespace.
The other day I realized I was in a room alone and could anticipate an hour free from interruptions. Instead of grading chemistry tests, checking email, or working on the project due by the end of the week, I indulged in meditating on scripture via the WordSwag app. At first I felt guilty, but then I realized that reading and re-reading the words, choosing a photo for the background, and switching out fonts until I found one with the right 'feel' allowed me to dwell on the verses in a different way. The resulting images speak to my soul. The process gifted me with 30 minutes of unexpected soul rest.